Hello there…I’m Jasmeen (pronounced Jasmine)
Hi, I'm Jasmeen, a UX designer with experience in marketing, business, and product development. I enjoy creating memorable experiences that everyone can access.
Born and raised in Southern California, I have always had a passion for design. When I was 5 years old, I noticed that my father, who was left-handed, always had to turn his mug before picking up the handle when we would go to Norm’s for pancakes because the waitress would assume that he was right-handed. I remembered thinking that I wanted to make items where my dad would not have to take an extra step to utilize a tool because he was different.
The word Croyance has very special meaning for me. The English translation of the word is belief, conviction, credo. In some of my darkest moments, it has always been my belief in our world and in the conviction of the human spirit that has brought me back to the light that is joy.
My goal is to collaborate with brands to bringing forth products and user interactions that inspire positive change and make our world a better, more inclusive place.